Novel hybrid structures based on enzymes/1D oxide nanostructures for soil fertility increasing via accelerating bio-degradation rate

Structuri hibride inovatoare bazate pe enzime / oxizi nanostructurati 1D pentru cresterea fertilitatii solului prin accelerarea vitezei de biodegradare

Incheiat in cadrul PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1395

Up-date: 28.06.2018



  Working Plan

  Activity reports

  Papers & Conferences


  Research team

  PhD Students contributions



Lucrări ȋn reviste ISI:


1. Simona Neagu, Roxana Cojoc, Mirela Enache, Oana Catalina Mocioiu, Aurica Precupas, Vlad Tudor Popa, Ioana Gomoiu, Madalin Enache,

Biotransformation of Waste Glycerol from Biodiesel Industry in Carotenoids Compounds by Halophilic Microorganisms

Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2017 (IF = 1.337)


2. Mirela Enache, Ana Maria Toader, Victoria Neascu, Gabriela Ionita, Madalin Enache, Spectroscopic investigation of the interaction of the anticancer drug mitoxantrone with sodium tauodeoxycholate (NaTDC) and sodium taurocholate (NaTC) bile salts Molecules, 22 (2017) 1079_18 pagini  (IF = 2.861)


3. Simona Neagu, Silviu Preda, Maria Zaharescu, Masahiro Kamekura, Roxana Cojoc, Madalin Enache

The effect of titanate nanotubes towards moderately halophilic bacteria

Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 22(6), 2018 (available on-line).


4. Mirela Moldoveanu, Larisa Florescu, Roxana Cojoc, Simona Neagu, Ioan Păceşilă, Mădălin Enache,

The novel records of biological composition related to environmental extremes conditions in natural salted Lake Letea,

Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, under review(IF = 0.742)


5. Crina Anastasescu, Silviu Preda, Adriana Rusu, Dana Culita, Gabriel Plavan, Stefan Strungaru, Jose Maria Calderon-Moreno, Cornel Munteanu, Catalina Gifu, Mirela Enache, Radu Socoteanu, Daniel Angelescu, Mihai Anastasescu, Mariuca Gartner, Ioan Balint and Maria Zaharescu,

Tubular and Spherical SiO2 Obtained by Sol Gel Method for Lipase Immobilization and Enzymatic Activity,,

Molecules 23 (2018) 1362_18 pagini; doi:10.3390/molecules23061362 (IF = 2.861), Invited contribution to: “Special Issue Sol-Gel Chemistry. From Molecule to Functional Materials.”


6. Alina Badea, Simona Neagu, Roxana Cojoc, Mihai Anastasescu, Mariuca Gartner, Crina Anastasescu, Ioana Gomoiu, Maria Zaharescu, Madalin Enache,

Novel oxidic nanomaterials functionalized with halophilic microbial enzymes with biotechnological potential in soil fertility increasing – to be submitted,



Cerere Brevet de Inventie:


Titlul: “Obtinerea prin procedeul sol-gel a tuburilor de SiO2 cu diametru nanometric, modificarea acestora cu grupari functionale si metale in vederea imobilizarii de enzime”

Autorii: Crina Anastasescu, Maria Zaharescu, Mariuca Gartner, Stroescu Hermine Maria, Cornel Munteanu, Radu Socoteanu, Bratan Veronica, Irina Atkinson, Adriana Rusu, Silviu Preda, Dana Culita, Jose Maria Calderon-Moreno, Enache Madalin Iancu, Neagu Elena Simona, Mihai Anastasescu, Ioan Balint

(Nr. OSIM A/00094 din 18.04.2018)



Prezentări orale:


1. Mădălin Enache, Roxana Cojoc, Simona Neagu, Ioana Gomoiu,

Halophilic microorganisms from mural paintings in old Romanian historical monument church and their interactions with nanomaterials,

15th World Congress on Biotechnology and Biotech Industries Meet, Roma, Italia, 20 – 21 martie 2017.


2. Mădălin Enache, Simona Neagu, Roxana Cojoc, Ioana Gomoiu, Delia Ionela Dobre, Ancuța Roxana Trifoi,

Extracellular Enzymes from Halophilic Bacteria with Potential in Agricultural Secondary Flow Recovery Products,

ICAFBS 2017: 19th International Conference on Agricultural, Food and Biological Sciences, Roma, Italia, 18 - 19 Septembrie, 2017 (premiul pentru cea mai bună prezentare orală).


3. Mirela Moldoveanu, Roxana Cojoc, Simona Neagu, Larisa Florescu, Ioana Lucaci, Ioan Păceșilă, Ioana Gomoiu, Mădălin Enache,

Microorganisme prezente în instalațiile piezometrice ale barajului Dridu (râul Ialomița), Preocupări recente în cercetarea, conservarea și valorificarea patrimoniului cultural, ediția XII, Târgu Mureș, România, 28 – 30 iunie 2017.


4. Crina Anastasescu, C. Munteanu, M. Anastasescu, C. Negrila, A. Rusu, V. Bratan, D. Culita, M. Zaharescu, I. Balint

Atypical light-harvesting and photoactive materials based on SiO2 with tubular morphology

16th E-MRS-Fall Meeting (European Materials Research Society), Warsaw, Poland, September 18-21, 2017


5. Madalin Enache, , Alina Badea, Simona Neagu, Roxana Cojoc, Mihai Anastasescu, Mariuca Gartner, Crina Anastasescu, Ioana Gomoiu, Maria Zaharescu,

Structuri hibride bazate pe nanostructuri oxidice monodimensionale si extremozime cu aplicatii in agricultura,

Conferinta Stiintifica Internationala de Biotehnologie Microbiană, editia IV-a, Chisinău, Republica Moldova, 11-12 octombrie 2018





1. Mădălin Enache, Simona Neagu, Roxana Cojoc, Mirela Enache, Oana Mocioiu, Aurica Precupaș, Vlad Tudor Popa, Ioana Gomoiu,

Biotransformation of waste glycerol from biodiesel industry in phytoene and β-carotene by halophilic microorganisms,

BioMicroWorld2017 - VII International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology, Madrid, Spania, 18 – 20 Octomber 2017


2. S. Neagu, R. Cojoc, M. Enache, S. Preda, C. Anastasescu, J.M. Calderon-Moreno, A. Rusu, Mihai Anastasescu, M. Gartner, M. Zaharescu

Design and optimized synthesis of Titanate and Silica nanotubes for enzymes imobilization

16th E-MRS-Fall Meeting (European Materials Research Society), Warsaw, Poland, September 18-21, 2017


3. Maria Zaharescu, L. Predoana, J. Pandele-Cusu

Relevance of thermal analysis for sol-gel derived nanomaterials

19th International Sol Gel Conference, Liege Belgium, September 3-8, 2017


4. Mădălin Enache, Roxana Cojoc, Simona Neagu, Ioana Gomoiu

A novel strain of moderately halophilic bacteria belonging to Garicola genera isolated from historical frescoes: the refectory of Hurezi Monastery,

FEMS 2017, The 7th Congress of European Microbiologists, 9-13 July 2017, Valencia, Spania


5. Ioana Gomoiu, Dan Mohanu, Ileana Mohanu, Roxana Rădvan, Mădălin Enache, Simona Neagu, Ioana Maria Cortea, Roxana Cojoc, Marius Lungulescu, Roxana Trusca, Carotenoid -producing bacteria- a cause of mural painting biodeterioration in some Romanian historical monasteries,

FEMS 2017, The 7th Congress of European Microbiologists, 9-13 July 2017, Valencia, Spania


6. Simona Neagu, Roxana Cojoc, Ioana Gomoiu, Madalin Enache,

Purification and characterization of decarboxylase from a halophilic microorganisms with potential in biotransformation of waste glycerol from biodiesel industry,

BIODIVEST Conference, Craiova, 20 – 22 septembrie 2018


7. Simona Neagu, Roxana Cojoc, Mirela Moldoveanu, Larisa Florescu, Ioana Gomoiu, Madalin Enache,

Seasonal dynamic of halophilic bacteria from saline lake Letea,

BIODIVEST Conference, Craiova, 20 – 22 septembrie 2018


8. Robert Ruginescu, Roxana Cojoc, Simona Neagu, Ioana Gomoiu, Madalin Enache,

Preliminary characterization of a cellulase producing halotolerant bacteria,

BIODIVEST Conference, Craiova, 20 – 22 septembrie 2018




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