Conducători ştiinţifici doctorate

Nr.Crt. Numele şi prenumele Activitate Laboratorul
1. Acad. Maria-Magdalena ZAHARESCU - CS I Laborator 6: Oxide Compounds and Materials Science
2. Dr. Elena-Gabriela IONIŢĂ - CS I Laborator 1: Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Structure
3. Dr. Daniel-George ANGELESCU - CS I Laborator 1: Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Structure
4. Dr. Mariana VOICESCU - CS II Laborator 1: Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Structure
5. Dr. Speranţa-Valeria TĂNĂSESCU - CS I Laborator 2: Chemical Thermodinamycs
6. Dr. Adina Magdalena Musuc - CS II Laborator 3: Chemical Kinetics Laboratory
7. Dr. Florica-Măriuca GARTNER - CS I Laborator 4: Surface Chemistry and Catalysis
8. Dr. Viorica PÂRVULESCU - CS I Laborator 4: Surface Chemistry and Catalysis
9. Dr. Niculae SPĂTARU - CS I Laborator 5: Electrochemistry and Corrosion
10. Dr. Irina ATKINSON - CS II Laborator 6: Oxide Compounds and Materials Science
11. Dr. Raul-Augustin MITRAN - CS II Laborator 6: Oxide Compounds and Materials Science
12. Dr. Dan-Florin ANGHEL - CS I Laborator 7: Colloid Chemistry